Walk Score

Walk Score is the only international measure of walkability and the leading provider of neighborhood maps to the real estate industry. More than 30,000 websites use the Walk Score Neighborhood Map and we serve over 20 million scores each day.

The last real estate theme you'll ever need to buy!

WP Pro Real Estate 7 comes packed with powerful options & tools, advanced search & mapping, endlessly customizable with live previewer, 5 pre-built demos (more coming soon), 3 header layouts, co-listing support, booking system, front end management, Revolution Slider, dsIDXpress, favorite listings, sub listings and much, much more!

The Met Warner Center

Buy & Sell

David Salmanson

Met Warner Center Realtor David Salmanson
Met Warner Center Realtor David Salmanson

AGENT ID CalBRE #02024450
OFFICE ID 00951359

Phone: 818-421-2170

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